Monday, October 20, 2008

Dewberry Farms

We went to Dewberry Farms outside of Katy this weekend. The kids had a great time. They had pig races and different animals to pet and look at. They had a hay mountain and hay rides but I wasn't about to put Cooper in that with his allergies and recent asthma issues. Kennedy wanted to do everything though. They had a zip line and big huge bouncy "pillows" none of which we did. But we went and got Dairy Queen ice cream when we left so it all worked out for them.

The funniest thing that happened is that about 4 or 5 geese started crossing the path so several kids went chasing after them – mine included. The one white one turned and looked at Cooper so Cooper moved forward just a little and it snapped at him. It didn't bite or hurt him – just enough so he responded with "HEY!" so the one picture you see of a white goose and cooper holding is hand – well, that's the story behind it.

1 comment:

Cathy Hengst Photography said...

Your kids are getting so big!!! We have wanted to go to Dewberry Farms but never made it there it looks like fun though!

Poor Cooper if you ever have any questions about his asthma or allergies call me or email me. We have been through all of that unfortunately with Ethan. It has taken a good while to fine the best Dr.s but I will tell you once we got a great pediatric pulmonoligist and allergist he is SO much better. Pediatricians are just not capable of handling all those things as well as the specialist. We also do 2 allergy shots a week since through the testing he was identified as allergic to about 3/4 of the things tested for. Good Luck, it is a frustrating road but gets better!